Sunday, June 28, 2009

Vegan??? Not me. Never!

Food has always been something I've enjoyed. Probably too much. I've gained and lost weight too many times to count. I'm an emotional eater. If you know me, the heavy emotional weight of the last year is quite obvious. One day I'll lose it again. That's not what this is about. This is about a radical change in the way my family eats for one reason only. For the love of our youngest daughter. Our middle child of three amazing gifts from God. She is sick and a Vegan diet might help her get better. We are desperate and will try anything. That includes a diet of mostly animal free food. Mostly animal free, because there may be times that the husband or our other two kids might eat out without Hay. What happens at the Cracker Barrel stays at the Cracker Barrel. Our youngest is a very growing boy so there are modifications for him.

There are lots of really good reasons for people to be vegan or vegetarians. I understand and respect those reasons, but am not so inclined to eat that way out of conviction. If any of you that are truely of that persuasion happen upon this blog, please understand that we will not agree on lots of things. I know that white sugar is sometimes filtered with charred bone, and so it's not vegan. I get that, but for the purposes of the changes we are making for health purposes only, at this point, white sugar is still going to be in our diet in moderation. We are going to be transitioning as quickly as possible into a totally animal free diet at home, but it is going to take a little time. We are jumping in, but there are going to be food items that we still use until we find a good substitute. Ranch dressing and honey mustard are two examples. Rome was not built in a day, and this transition will not be happening entirely overnight. We are such a work in progress and I am such a rookie at this. It's going to be an adventure.

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